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Sales Incentive

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Group Miles:

Group Miles are the Miles accumulated to you based on first time products purchase by your team IBA. 100% of the Group Miles (upto first 100 miles)will be accumulated to you for your Group Sales Incentive.

Group MyMiles:

Group MyMiles are the Miles accumulated to you based on repeated purchase(after first 100 miles) of products by your team IBA. 100% of the Group MyMiles will be accumulated to you for your Group Sales Incentive as Group MyMiles.

Personal MyMiles:

Personal MyMiles are the Miles accumulated to you based on repeated purchase of products personally by you. 100% of Personal MyMiles will be accumulated to you for your Group Sales Incentive.

Group Sales Incentive:

Based on the volume of products sold by your team of IBA’s, miles will be accumulated in your IBA id. Based on the miles(Group Miles and Group MyMiles) accumulated every week, Group Sales Incentive will be paid to you as per the eligibility criteria and as per Group Sales Incentive Plan.

Group Sales Incentive:-

The Sales Incentives is calculated on the principle: “Higher the accumulated Miles, more the Sales Incentives “. Within this broad principle, the company has a progressive Sales Incentives structure. Such a structure is beneficial to both associates and the company as it results in the highest sales. At high volume levels, the total accumulated miles of an associate depends significantly on the miles of team Associates.

What happens if my miles are not balanced, if the ratio is less than 1:2?:-

In case, miles on one side are more than double the miles on the weaker side, then the number of eligible miles on the stronger side are limited to double the miles on weaker side. For instance, if you have 4800 miles on the left side, and 1200 miles on the right side, the ratio is 1:4 which is less than 1:2. So, on the stronger side, left in this case, the number of eligible miles would be limited to 2400 miles, double the 1200 miles on the weaker side. More examples make this point clear.For the first 4,500 eligible miles, currently the Group Sales Incentives is paid as follows:

Distance Price
First 900 miles Rs. 4800 (with an early advantage offer)*
Second 900 miles Rs. 4700
Third 900 miles Rs. 4700
Fourth 900 miles Rs. 4700
Fifth 900 miles Rs. 4700